Welcome to the Ashland University ACM Club!

ACM stands for the Association of Computer Machinery. As ACM's offical website states, "ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges. As the world’s largest computing society, ACM strengthens the profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life- long learning, career development, and professional networking."

This is the chapter of ACM that is located at Ashland University. We welcome all Ashland University students to join as as we engage in this topic that we love, discussing interesting new advancments in the computer science field, working on cool new projects, and simply have fun playing games and hanging out with each other.

We also attend a yearly programming competition that is part of ACM, which allows our members meet other like-minded college students from various universities from all over the country. At this competition, groups tackle very difficult programming problems that tests your programming abilities and engages you in problem solving that is more challenging and rewarding than you can find elsewhere.

We would love to have anyone who is interested check us out and see what we're all about. We meet on Tuesdays 7:30 PM at Patterson 211. More info on upcoming events can be found on the events page of the website.

You can read about our organization's history here!